About Us

Apprente started as an intelligent voice-based conversational agents for the enterprise. Then it was acquired by Mcdonald’s.

Now, Apprente is under a new editorial team where we share our thoughts and experiences regarding Technology, gaming, sports, and more.

Apprente publishes authoritative commentary & analysis on technology, gaming & sports. We write expert opinion articles on issues that really matter. Our emphasis on uncovering fresh trends and insights has led to a loyal community of readers. Global influencers, business leaders, and policy makers read and contribute to Apprente.

Apprente believes in presenting ‘Something New’ to its readers. ‘Something New’ is an integral part of our editorial philosophy. We believe that each time readers log on to The Indian Economist, they read about something they were not aware of before. Apprente seeks to focus on new subjects, trends, and perspectives, allowing its readers to remain ahead of the curve. Apprente does not seek to follow the news cycle – we seek to create our own. By introducing topics and opinions that are not in the public consciousness, Apprente seeks to empower its reader with new information that allows them to remain ahead of the curve.

Apprente is a leading digital magazine that focuses on publishing high-quality articles and opinion pieces on Technology, gaming & Sports.  

Last, my name is Yassin, and I am the guy behind Apprente. Looking forward to writing the best content that can help tech and gaming enthusiasts such as myself worldwide.